Sydney New South Wales

Community fund dog poop organic recycling A community group in an inner city suburb of Sydney (Australia) are piloting an innovative approach to recycling dog poo in a local park. The eco-conscious group of volunteers held a fundraiser to pay for compostable dog poo bags and a special organics recycling bin for dog poo. The bin is collected weekly by a commercial organic recycling service.
Sydney dog rescue organisation composts dog waste A Sydney suburbs dog shelter catering for about 60 rescue dogs decided to start composting dog poop about 2 years ago. This was an economical decision because composting onsite is cheaper than the transport costs of waste collection! It also just happens to be better for the environmental.
Dogs parks trialing worm pods to compost onsite In southern Sydney, the Bayside Council is trialling the use of worm farms to digest dog poo onsite. Phase 1 commenced mid-2019, Phase 2 commenced December 2021. They have moved from using household worm farms to worm pods that can cater for more dog poo. They aim to reduce odour, increase organics recycling, reduce litter bin collections and increase community knowledge about organic recycling.