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Superior, Colorado collects 500 lb. dog waste since start of program
Since 2015 committed dog park visitors have been using compostable bags and separate bins to make the town's dog waste composting program...
Pet poo composting trial in New South Wales
A community in New South Wales is offering free worm bins to residents to see if the units are a practical solution for recycling dog...
Perth community accepts pet waste with recycled organics
A select group of residents in the City of Melville, in Perth's southern suburbs, will soon be able to throw meat, dairy products, coffee...
Nova Scotia cat litter can go in green compost bin
Cat owners served by Valley Waste Resource Management (VWRM) in Nova Scotia now have the option of putting used kitty litter in the green...
City of Cockburn invests in keeping dog waste out of landfills
If they can do it, why not US? City of Cockburn Waste Education officer Nicki Ledger said new compostable bags that will be installed at...
Connecticut training facility to compost dog poop
The Zoning Commission approved plans for a law enforcement dog training facility and kennel in a Naugatuck, Connecticut industrial park....
How Edmonton turns dog and cat poop into plant nutrients
For nearly a decade, the City of Edmonton has been turning dog poop into compost. With an estimated 150,000 dogs in the city, there's a...
Ottawa green carts accept dog and cat waste
Ottawa residents may begin dumping dog feces, cat litter and plastic bags filled with organic waste into their green bins starting on...
Vancouver considers other options for dog waste recycling
Currently, dog waste is collected in plastic bags that do not quickly or easily break down, so diverting the waste from landfill has...
Composting program at dog park in Lafayette, Colorado
The Lafayette Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department, in collaboration with the Lafayette Waste Reduction Committee, is pleased to...
London, Ont. considers allowing dog waste in green bins
Four-legged Londoners just might be in luck. After years of debate and a pandemic-driven delay to London’s green bin program, city hall...
Halifax to pilot dog waste compost program at a local park
Halifax – which already collects pet waste as part of its residential green bin program – will be trying something new according new in...
Boulder upcycling at trail heads
How does Boulder Open Spaces and Mountain Parks encourage hikers with dogs to keep trails poo free and foster sustainability? The agency...
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