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Environmental impacts of dog waste
Toilets and sanitary sewage treatment have provided modern man with a workable solution to human waste disposal. But there is no...

US dogs produce more waste than humans did in 1959
Much of the 11 million tons of dog waste generated in the U.S. each year is trashed and streamed to lined and sealed landfills. The rest...

EPWN R&D: EnviroWagg
EnviroWagg is an Enviro Pet Waste Network program that composts Colorado dog waste into a safe and nutrient-rich soil amendment that...

Superior, Colorado collects 500 lb. dog waste since start of program
Since 2015 committed dog park visitors have been using compostable bags and separate bins to make the town's dog waste composting program...

Pet poo composting trial in New South Wales
A community in New South Wales is offering free worm bins to residents to see if the units are a practical solution for recycling dog...

Worm bins at Juneau trail heads? Why not?
There’s nothing like taking a walk on Alaska’s pristine wilderness. Unless you step in something — unexpected along the way. For...

Pet parents in India turn dump into dog park...
AND compost waste to fertilize park plants. “It’s called the ‘poop pit’ and all dog owners scoop the poop and put it there. The pit is...

Perth community accepts pet waste with recycled organics
A select group of residents in the City of Melville, in Perth's southern suburbs, will soon be able to throw meat, dairy products, coffee...

Nova Scotia cat litter can go in green compost bin
Cat owners served by Valley Waste Resource Management (VWRM) in Nova Scotia now have the option of putting used kitty litter in the green...

Senior builds pet waste composter for shelter
Ramsey Bond dearly loved her dog, Summit, but she was all too familiar with the “back end” of dog ownership. In preparing to earn her...
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