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Adelaide Council installs dog waste specific bins

Updated: May 17, 2024

The City of Burnside is one of Adelaide’s oldest residential areas and has installed four Doggie Dunnies in popular dog walking areas. These bins are specifically designed for the disposal of dog waste in compostable bags. The green compostable bags are provided throughout their parks and reserves. The contents of the bins are sent for composting rather than ending up in landfill.

Dog owners can dispose of dog waste in one of the Doggie Dunnies. When at home residents can place dog waste in their green organics bin, along with their food and gardens organic scraps. All bags in the green bins must be compostable!

This exciting new initiative will reduce the amount of organic waste being sent to landfill. Sending dog waste to be composted is about five times cheaper than sending it to landfill. The composting process is also environmentally beneficial because it produces less greenhouse gasses than decomposition in landfills.


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