In 2023 a number of organizations, including media outlets, contacted EPWN for information on how to manage pet waste sustainably. The most common questions related to pet waste composting safety, good vs. bad pick-up bags, community-wide solutions, environmental hazards, contradictory messages and regulations.
These interviews and speaking requests gave EPWN co-founder Rose Seemann a chance to get out the word on the environmental impact of current pet waste disposal practices. Here are links to the latest podcasts, articles and presentations.
Nov 14 Outdoor Minimalist podcast
Jul 19 Squadcast with Baroopet podcast Dog Waste Recycling
Jun 14 Western Confluence interview for article - University of Wyoming / Environment and Natural Resources Untethered: Managing Off-leash Dogs on Public Trails
Jun 6 Pet Sustainability Coalition event - Impact Unleashed: A Decade of Impact presentation, Boulder, Colorado Keeping Pet Poop in the Loop, PowerPoint available
May 17 Outside Magazine interview for article Stop Wasting Money on Biodegradable Poop Bags
Mar 31 National -Jewish Hospital presentation - Denver, Colorado Keep Pet Poop in the Loop
Mar 14 Animal Innovations podcast (summary)
Repurposing Dog Waste to Help the Environment
Mar 7 Wag Out Loud Pawdcast Keeping Dog Poop in the Loop
